Why Keto?

Why Keto?

April 24, 2023

When we talk about weight loss, keto is definitely the trendiest word everyone is talking about. But how many people know about keto and can apply it to their daily lives 100%? The word “keto” stands for Ketogenic diet. The meaning is those who want to reduce starchy and sugary foods by focusing mainly on fat and protein intake. Keto dieters may not be the ones who want to lose weight at all, but rather the ones who are health conscious and diet conscious.

For people who want to get in shape, there are more ways to lose weight as we commonly see on social media. It includes counting calories eaten at each meal each day and limiting eating time, known as IF. When it comes to the keto diet, it has one thing in common with other weight loss methods: starch-free. People tend to eat starch as the main ingredient in each meal. Reducing starch is not only good for young people who want to lose weight, but also good for people of all ages who want to take care of their health. Whether your triglycerides exceed the standard or just want to take care of your health.

Why Keto?

Keto is not only good for people who want to lose weight to look good, but it can also be good for people who care about their health, especially those with diabetes or those at risk for diabetes. Doctors must recommend dietary changes, including obesity, which can lead to high blood pressure, which puts you at risk for heart disease and countless other health problems. In general, we should opt for a diet high in fiber-rich complex carbohydrates and cut down on processed sugars. We should eat fruits and vegetables that do not contain carbohydrates such as berries, cucumbers, avocados or watermelon.

Whether with increasing age or health problems that increase with age, we all turn to pay attention and agree to change our eating habits to avoid using drugs or enter into a treatment process that is complicated and wastes time and money. should not We can prevent this just by paying more attention to our food.

Even if we don't eat our favorite things like flour or sugar, surely everyone will want to eat delicious food or seasonings that we are familiar with since our childhood, such as fish sauce, soy sauce, sugar, and oyster sauce. All ingredients used for cooking must be starch-free and sugar-free. However, there are many ingredients that are more well-known from the keto crowd, such as egg white noodles or cauliflowers which can be used as a carbohydrate substitute or stevia can be used as a sugar substitute for your favorite drinks.

Fish sauce is the main item that pairs with savory dishes of Thai people. Authentic Thai food uses fish sauce as the main ingredient for its original aroma and deliciousness. There are many people whose health is unfavorable with the keto extreme diet. However, Keto fish sauce is another help for those who want to reduce the amount of hidden sugar in the food that we eat every day. It's for healthy body without disease but still keeping the food taste the way we like.

Suffering because of illness or obesity is bad, but if you don't eat delicious food, it's even worse. Let keto fish sauce make your meals better every day.


Somboon Thitirat. “How tolose weight with keto like a pro.” Chulalongkorn University,
16 Mar. 2022, https://www.chula.ac.th/highlight/67885/

Warodomwijit Daruneewan. “KetogenicDiet. Eat fat to lose fat!!” Rama Channel.
24 Jun. 2019, https://tinyurl.com/2x5wnm9y.

Trangtulakan,Thippaya. “Low-Carb Diet  how to have sustainable healthy life?:Theasianparent Thailand.” TheAsianparent, TheAsianparent, 7 May 2021, https://th.theasianparent.com/low_carb_diet.  

Coach Prae. “Starch carbsugar is the same.” Fit-D.com, 9 Dec.2021,

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